The Vasilios Stavros Lagakos Fellowship

The Vasilios Stavros Lagakos Fellowship is a fellowship program intended for international applicants to the Biostatistics Ph.D. Program who will return to their home country upon completion of their degree. The broad goals of the fellowship are to promote senior-level expertise in the field of Biostatistics in regions of the world where improvements in such expertise would meaningfully advance public health.

Interested individuals should apply for admission to the Ph.D. program using the standard application procedures at Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, but should include information about their long-term plans and why they wish to be considered for this Fellowship in their personal statement. Applicants will be considered for this fellowship based on (i) commitment to return to her or his home country and to become engaged in public health research following completion of the Ph.D. Program, (ii) potential to enhance health research and promote the discipline of biostatistics after returning to her or his home country, and (iii) lack of comparable training options in home country.

The Fellowship provides tuition, health fees, and a full stipend for the first 1-2 years of graduate study. Other sources of Departmental funding, including Teaching Assistantships or Research Assistantships, will be used in subsequent years to fund the student's Ph.D. program.

For more information, please contact:

Sebastien Haneuse, Ph.D.
Director of Graduate Studies

Department of Biostatistics
Harvard School of Public Health
655 Huntington Avenue, II-4th Floor
Boston, MA 02115

Phone: (617) 432-1056
Fax: (617) 432-5619